Eco Adventures in the Market Place Vol. 1: What is Suite Ta Bu
Day: Sunday Blog Time: 9:45 a.m. Eastern
Day: Sunday Blog Time: 9:45 a.m. Eastern
Is it just me or when the alarm goes off, do you sometimes think that whatever song the radio plays, gives you a glimpse of your future? Today’s 5:30 am “Akidah-its-time-to-face-the-day-tune” was Snap’s “I’ve got the power.” Today, I’ll seize the day instead of face it. After all, each day is an eco adventure waiting to occur and it’s time to experience a little more “carpe diem”. At 5:45 I hop out of “St. Posture of the Pedic” and dive into life! A little Yoga Shakti, ( OM shanti Shiva Rea) then a vegan protein shake courtesy of my new friend Blendtec, (BTW: Yes, Blendtec due to the Costco situation you’re still in the friend zone we’re not quite lovers yet). I like being up before most of the free world and the guests of Suite Ta Bu know, that as the leader of their personal eco shopping team, I start each day researching “organic companies”, checking for product updates and scouring the global marketplace for the most luxurious, results driven and useful of green discoveries.

Like many with a global footprint, I was raised on two continents and one of my favorite childhood memories is- the Kenyan marketplace. Watching tribal and international women, haggle over organic goods with a shrewdness usually reserved for boardroom mergers, was the first time I had ever witnessed serious deal making. My love for a good deal and unmatched quality was born during those years. After moving to the States, I realized that all women could use a personal shopper and green lifestyle coach and I created Suite Ta Bu.
The hardest parts of transitioning into a greener lifestyle can be taking the first step, simply finding the time to educate oneself and locating budget conscious quality goods. At Suite Ta Bu we make it our daily business to address both concerns in international offerings. So, after I’ve applied the final touch of war paint to my lips, today’s shade is vegan honey -- I’m ready for battle and ready to explore. Being a modern “marketplace woman” and bringing vegan sexy back to the United States is no easy feat but I’m up for the challenge! Many people confuse Green living with settling for drab style, limited food selection and sacrificing their sexy. Not true, one of a person’s sexiest assets is their smile, so ladies- why not accent yours? I mean that’s the reason I’ve searched for the sultriest of shades, verified ingredients, highlighted the multiple uses of lip stain, shaved and slayed the cosmetic beast and beaten it into vegan submission. I’ve worked hard to get you that last tube of Carrot Karma lip stain.
Our Suite guests, especially our Key Card holders, know that the revolution has begun, is being televised and we all are living it. Green living and organic eating are the means by which each of us can preserve more of the good life. Don’t you want the “Suite” life? In America we’re at war, we’re at war with our self esteem, with fat and with our values and we’re so lost in the drama we fail to realize, a decision is all we need to make in order to live our best life- NOW. When you choose to seek out information and take informed action, you become the GREEN movement and ultimately a part of the solution. I’m a problem solver- are you?
Two of my favorite things about running the Suite are that I’m the “nitty-gritty quality checker” of green vendors and I have time travel benefits. Yes, I get to time travel! Every vegan cosmetic selection the Suite offers aids global eco-fashionista’s in recreating any classic looks of old. What will you choose today, will it be smokey Arabian eyes or the elegance of Egyptian femme fatales? Who doesn’t envision themselves as a goddess, a “self 2.0” that even Beyonce can’t touch? We natural mystics are fierce, but not because of our glamazon stiletto power, I know shocking! But with each click of our “form and fauna” heels, each pursing of our “wine-colored-Lola-Falana-stained” lips we’re persevering a piece of our future because of our lifestyles choices. What did you choose today? Choose life and join the movement, discover all the treasures hidden within the global marketplace and start with Suite Ta Bu!
Thanks for stopping by, it’s grocery day and I’m off to Trader Joe’s . . . . .
Where’s my Key Card and reusable grocery bag?
Akidah Njuzu, The Vegan Vixen