What a hectic past few days, I've had an amazing birthday! and now that its over, I'm all about REST! The love of my life, whisked me away from the Suite for a bit, to go horseback riding and as a former "placed" cross country and dressage rider, this was an excellent way to begin the relaxation. Taking the time to commune with nature really enhanced an amazing sleep that night and I started thinking . . .
How are you sleeping?
Could you sleep better?

With so many people inflicting us with their "two cent life-is-perfect-stress-is-a-figment-of -your imagination-psycho-babble" I thought, why not just do what has worked for decades.
I know that the solution for better sleep is simple, just
"GET BACK TO the BASICS". Here are some thoughts on how to "Dream Suite-ly". . . and Yes, we at www.whatissuitetabu.com can help!
Suite Dreams: The Five Fixes
1. LOVE WHAT YOU FEEL: What are you sleeping on?
If Ancient Egyptian Kings and Queens cared about thread count and material quality so should you. I've learned that sleeping on better quality fabrics translates into a deeper sleep experience.
Our suggestion: See Eco Home Accents in the Eco Suite
2. ENJOY WHAT YOU SEE: What are you surrounded by?
You can make your life more colorful, its as simple as a choice and when you organize those choices better the result is less stress. So, maybe try a Bentley, as in our recycled briefcase to organize your work essentials or get "the cube" to organize your luxury linens. It's one less thing to worry about and trust me you'll feel the difference.
Our suggestion: Visit the sensual suite and click on novelties
3. GET TOUCHED: Get and give a massage with an organic body care selection.
Can't afford the spa try one of our fragrant massage oils, we also carry organic human and puppy care shampoos and conditioners. If you're a pet lover, give your pet a good rub down he'll give you lots of love and a good "leaning" which is just as good as a massage.
Our suggestion: Visit the Spa Suite and check out the Organic Puppy care tab
I always feel amazing when I give an appreciated associate a gift. To me gifts express to another that they're valued and that our connection is recognized. Giving is empowering. When we give, we realize that we have something to offer and its valuable. We are valuable, from our time to our treasures.
Our suggestion: Visit Suite Akidah Njuzu and give an Eco Gift for Gratitude
5. FEED THE "SENSORY" NEED: Find YOUR Fragrance.
When I get a hug and my senses take in a new or unique fragrance, I feel alive. Do you?
We're often remembered by our scents and we associate feelings of joy and happiness with scents --from our lover's perfume to organic coffee, that tells us, its time to rise. What emotions do the scents around you invoke? Happiness and Prosperity I hope.
Our suggestion: Experience the Scent Suite and explore our Fragrances
Live well,
Akidah Njuzu
P.S. Visit us soon, we miss you!