Friday, August 20, 2010
We've moved!
Twitter @Talk2SuiteTaBu
Our store
New blog
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Global conscious style
We've moved:

Like all great beings and entities, we possess a difference . . .
Our difference is global conscious style. . .
Suite Ta Bu is a green element boutique.We don't believe women "en mass" are going to throw out their hard earned, fully paid for wardrobes to dawn hemp overnight.
But we do believe, if offered a stylish not trendy,
means to explore sustainable options, the beautiful curiosity of the human mind
will initiate transformation.
So, whether you're vegan or green virgin, you're welcome here.
-Akidah Njuzu, Dreamer & Founder
P.s. Welcome new key card members, we more than appreciate you support of our dream!!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010

The contest will be announced on twitter and ended there. You must be one of our tweeple ( a follower) in order to enter. The first 5 good, you tube videos made mentioning the challenge win a mini spa pack.
Introduce yourself to us as a "SuiteLifer" on twitter, your tweet must say " Hi, I'm a Suite Lifer"
Tweet us your seven rules for living your best life now ( a.k.a. what we call "The Suite Life") over seven days, announcing the contest each day on your twitter-verse space.
What's the Suite Life? For example, what are the ways that you spread love and kindness, have you discovered the secret to lighting up a room with good energy or how to keep your lover happy . . .then tell the world.
You must RT our announcing of the contest on your twitter space in order to be entered.
You have a LIMITED TIME TO WIN, a free spa set from Suite Ta Bu. If you are a key card holder we will upgrade your prize to the larger set.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Be "Summer" Love . . .
I'm grooving to "reBOOT: Notes for the Next Generation" by Troye ( pun intended) and its during mind trips like this, that I wonder, where is the carefree and youthful spirit of "Summer love"? We all get so, busy but are we busy pursuing our true passion, are we too busy to admire a lily, discover our signature scent or stalk a daring stilletto on a "window wishing" trip?
You are more powerful than you know, so stop the dulling of the senses when you happen upon it. You only live once, so do it right! When it comes to "treats" I'm non-committal, my addiction to earned rewards can be found in the corners of my mouth, that's my tell. Why hide it, when I discover something new, fresh and funky for the "Suite" . . . . I'm all smiles.
As the head buyer for Suite Ta Bu, I get to fall in love with eccletic items everyday, as your personal shopper, I get to tease you with the latest promise of a worthwhile fling and I love it.
My summer fling of the momment is courtesy of "Be Love", a luxuriously soft line of t-shirts and tanks. Okay, so they're more of a "need item" for my summer love rendezvous.
I mean, in addition to being stylish they make a statement about who I am,what I believe and at the gym I get props for my eccletic flair! One of the perks of being a key card member of Suite Ta Bu is that we ge to surprise you with details like this, Be Love's company motto is " to educate inspire and organize communities to create justice and peace throught he practice of nonviolence."
Just when you thought that warm fuzzy feeling you got for purchasing an eco item ended at delivery? We offer more real talk, your purchase also supports ongoing education efforts and nonviolence efforts.
Talk about an "accent" piece! Most of our partners aren't just "green" they're also active community citizens! We at Suite Ta Bu believe that it is the founding vision in addition to the style of the collection that earns our support, that matters and ultimately that offers a style "memory".
Later lovelies,
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
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Sting & The Police were on to something when they performed “Every Breath You Take”- you really never do know who’s watching you.
Then again, I opened Suite Ta Bu for moments like these.
So, I’m getting off the plane after spending the weekend in Washington DC and I feel a set of eyes upon me. I look up and it’s the same lady I caught peering over my shoulder when I ordered a grande passion lemonade from Starbucks. Yes, she was that close, I felt her breathe upon me. A mile high stalker, BTW “ nameless lady with the good taste”, I’m flattered.
“Are you okay Ms?” I inquire.
“Oh, I’m so sorry I’ve just never seen rings like those” said she.
Visit me sometime, I said as I handed her my card.
They remind me of antique silver patterns
They should, they’re made from repurposed silverware.
“oooooooooh very cool.” Says she.
The rings she was referring to are from our latest collection of repurposed jewelry. Now, I had on about 3 rings per hand so they were a bit hard to miss but I’m glad they captured her attention. Who says Eco-nistas can’t be rock stars?
Has anyone ever gotten “Ta Bu” close to you, to admire something eco-friendly that you were wearing? Do tell . . .
Friday, April 30, 2010
Suite Ta Bu featured in Veg News Magazine

We're so exited to be admidst the informative, fact packed pages of our favorite magazine!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Suite Ta Bu in the community!

To support Autism Awareness month,
is donated to assist adults with Autism.
For more information on the movie
"Temple Grandin" click the image.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Suite Ta Bu partners with AU & HBO for Free Movie Night!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Tune in to Suite Ta Bu TV

(click the TV Image)
If you were there why don't you share your experience! Tell us your story and check back for the next episode of Suite Ta Bu TV.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Skirt! Magazine features: Hollywood Goes Green 312
Skirt! Scene: Hollywood Goes Green 312
Did you miss the 1st leg of the mobile spa tour? You didn't if you get our newsletter! It was good to meet our lifestyle guests and we do hope that you enjoyed the complimentary LUXE massages!
Until next time,
The Suite Team
Hollywood has a Suite Addiction
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Luscious and lovely . . ..

Luscious & Lovely . . .
Akidah Njuzu, the Veggie Vixen
Don’t pretend, I’m not the only one who’s mimicked them. I mean, historically- they’ve gotten themselves out of speeding tickets, distracted the most exotic species of man and been party to some world class seductions. The ladies simply have that kind of rare talent and from jazz to silk sheet whispers, they’re world famous.
The ladies are known collectively as- The POUT.
Familiar with them- eh?
Here are a few of my personal favorites:
Femme fatale pouts: Lola Falana, Sophia Loren, Tamara Dobson and Michelle Yeoh
Pouts for change: Coco Chanel (design pioneer), Grace Greenwood (first woman reporter on the New York Times payroll) and Luisa Capetillo (labor union suffragette; jailed for wearing pants in public) .
Diva pouts: Opera singers Kathleen Battle & Marian Anderson
But who has the most luscious of them all? Me, I mean- each of us and the real question is how is your pout being treated? I hope we don’t need to dial the Pout Protection Agency, their make-over techniques can be brutal. Here’s a tip, if you explore the the spa suite you’ll notice that from star to clover, we offer 9 vegan pout pampering selections.
What makes our offerings unique isn’t just their bold colors or the fact that they are examples of the latest innovations in plant-derived preservatives called Natural Broad Spectrum Microbial Growth Inhibitors. It’s their Luscious factor. You’d have to try one to really get it . .
MANTRA: Today I will pamper my pout with a mineral explosion of color, just because I can. Knowing all that while that it is my spirit that truly brings life to the color.
I think the quality of sexiness comes from within. It is something that is in you or it isn't and it really doesn't have much to do with breasts or thighs or the pout of your lips.”- Sophia Loren
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Love YOU more in 2010

It’s a month after we all pledged to do better, we swore to the New Year’s resolution genie that if we could have one more year we’d “be the change”, live at the gym and love salad based fare. How’s that going?
No, I’m not a personal trainer but I’ve spent enough of my hard earned cash on trainers and fancy fitness programs to have learned a pretty expensive lesson. Here goes, body transformation is a marathon not a sprint. It’s not one size fits all and it begins when we claim the responsibility to be our own agents of change. I’ve blossomed into a vegetarian vixen and from stocking my kitchen, weeding out unsupportive “fren-emies”, meal planning to create simple cardio routines that work- I’m your girl!
Here are four ways to kick start your fabulous life:
The Zone: What excites you about fitness, who are your “bodies of inspiration” and virtual mentors? Be honest about what motivates you and live in that zone, fact find, make a refrigerator collage and do what it takes to stay motivated.
Honor Your Heart: Weight loss isn’t just about pushing away from the table, it’s emotional. Listen to your emotions and acknowledge them, use a diary when you feel the need to jot down why you over eat, at least once measure your correct portion sizes and get disciplined about adhering to them. Are you eating smaller meals 5 to 6 times a day? There is a plethora of free information courtesy of the web. If you understand your behavior a good offensive strategy will ensure success.
Double “O” YOU : It’s okay to lead a double life and from one former member of cubicle nation to another, it’s okay to be an employee by day and gym rat by night. However, your choices have to be complimentary. It’s not okay to go to yoga class then visit Krispy Kreme. Don’t tease yourself with edible treats instead opt for a spa day, visit www.whatissuitetabu. com or buy a pair of “Form and Fauna” shoes!
A Passion Poster: I’m a visual person and sometimes I do need to see it in order to believe it. I have a huge board in my home that has inspirational quotes, magazine cut outs, an image of the Prius I hope to buy soon and other motivating items on it. My sister and I once super glued our faces over the cover model of our favorite health magazine, we giggled but posting that picture on the refrigerator really helped me avoid late night snacking. What’s your visual diet?
For more information on Asperger’s Syndrome and to make a donation visit Please select “Ms Maryland 2010” as your program of support. All funds go directly to the 501c3 organization.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Its SEXY to . . .

Blogger: Akidah Njuzu, the Veggie Vixen
A new year for us, equals a new attitude. Specifically, a new attitude about
Maybe you've noticed the updates at, from the new silk collection to the bamboo jersey dresses. Only for you, do I scour the planet for the the best hand selected array of luxe, eccletic items- anywhere!
Our goal in 2010 is to be "the" Green boutique for the global fashionista and her "eco- chic" sphere of influence!
So, what is S-E-X-Y in 2010? A soy based candle enhanced by moonlight while you unwind? Skin, healthy and smooth, compliments of a sugar scrub routine,done to your favorite world music cd- Safri Duo or Jamiroquai anyone?
Maybe-- we've got all that
but dry off and step into a natural fiber robe.
Meditate on this,
the new S-E-X-Y,
is a life-long curiosity about saving the resources of our planet, it's committment to a cause of passion, it's taking action, one step at a time towards a healthier and greener life.
The new S-E-X-Y is being a better version of the current "you"! Whatever you define yourself as,right now. S-E-X-Y isn't a privilege of the chosen few, you choose it and here are five ways to redefine your sexy,
right now:
1) Make them Green with envy: Be creative, style yourself! You've read enough fashion magazines and have been following Angelina, Amber Rose and Shania Twain long enough to know a few things about what works for you! Take a leap of faith and define your own look! Buy a few "eco" accent pieces and add some flair to your wardrobe!
2)Be a Disciplined Diva: Just say "NO" to non-organic goods and non fair trade goods, reuse a grocery bag, make cool gifts and re-use printer paper. Small steps help lower your carbon footprint. If the "Bling" isn't "conflict free" return it!
3)Share the Love: forward our site to 100 of your closest friends and leave a comment. Teach others how to GO GREEN!
4) Be Kissable: Start small, buy an organic lip gloss then replace your "Mac" with mineral based cosemtics. Do you know that your skin absorbs more harmful elements that your body does via digestion?
5) Embrace the unusual: Be daring help another human being! We love, but many local organizations and adults need support too!
Live "Suitely" & Be Well,