Thursday, December 17, 2009

Going Green One Day at a Time . . .


Slide 1

Today's Mantra: Today I commit to going green for superficial reasons, it's sexy, trendy, decreases my stress levels, gives me something cool to talk about, forces me to become more aware of my spirit and physical wellness needs and because the reusable bags are cool . . .

We all have our own reasons for going green. Some people delay the inevitable because they don't know where to begin. I say, begin with one small change at a time. A friend of mine lost his wallet so, I replaced it with a recycled one. My mentor's favorite tote bag broke, so she bought a reusable one at Suite Ta Bu. A colleague needed some jewelry for a dinner party and turned to us for a purchase of pearl earrings. In what way can you be greener today than you were yesterday?
Try something small like using the same lunch bag or utensils

Another option is to commit to the use of only all natural products and cosmetics but what ever you do, it'll feel better than doing nothing. . . .

So, make your move and be sure to tell us what it is . .

Business Blogs

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Do you kiss & Tell . . .WE DO

It's here, the Parisian silk, the seductive satin, the lovely lace replete with Moroccan accents. Suite Ta Bu has finally launched our Prive collection of colorfully feminine lingerie. Have you seen it? It's a perfect gift for you or for them . . . *smile*

Question of the Week: Do men and women like the same lingerie? We found after talking with the men of Black Planet that there is a stark difference between what men like and what women think their significant others want to see. Do you know what kind of lingerie accents your figure?
We polled the men of Bla
ck Planet and they had some really specific requests!

Read Their Thoughts Here

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Holidays are near . . ..Are you ready?

I received a holiday card from a friend the other day and I started to wonder,
how many people still believe in "snail mail" cards? More importantly, in these economic times, who are you really buying for? According to one of my aunts, she's developed something she refers to as the "TEN YEAR RULE,"
if she hasn't known you for at least that long you don't get a gift. How are you deciding who to buy gifts for this holiday season?

The Suite Holiday Gift Suggestion

Thursday, October 29, 2009

FUR LOVE: Organic Pet Care

Okay, I admit it he is the ONE for me . . I love him. I mean, what's not to love? He's tall dark and handsome, keeps my secrets, his kisses are the best, he listens, he always likes my coooking
(a.k.a can opening) and never complains.

Doesn't your pet deserve a little organic care?

Explore the pet spa

Feel like giving? Join us and
Donate to:

My great dane ANOKI

Friday, September 18, 2009

Are you having Suite dreams?


What a hectic past few days, I've had an amazing birthday! and now that its over, I'm all about REST! The love of my life, whisked me away from the Suite for a bit, to go horseback riding and as a former "placed" cross country and dressage rider, this was an excellent way to begin the relaxation. Taking the time to commune with nature really enhanced an amazing sleep that night and I started thinking . . .

How are you sleeping?
Could you sleep better?

With so many people inflicting us with their "two cent life-is-perfect-stress-is-a-figment-of -your imagination-psycho-babble" I thought, why not just do what has worked for decades.


I know that the solution for better sleep is simple, just

Here are some thoughts on how to "Dream Suite-ly". . . and Yes, we at can help!

Suite Dreams: The Five Fixes

1. LOVE WHAT YOU FEEL: What are you sleeping on?
If Ancient Egyptian Kings and Queens cared about thread count and material quality so should you. I've learned that sleeping on better quality fabrics translates into a deeper sleep experience.
Our suggestion: See Eco Home Accents in the Eco Suite

2. ENJOY WHAT YOU SEE: What are you surrounded by?
You can make your life more colorful, its as simple as a choice and when you organize those choices better the result is less stress. So, maybe try a Bentley, as in our recycled briefcase to organize your work essentials or get "the cube" to organize your luxury linens. It's one less thing to worry about and trust me you'll feel the difference.
Our suggestion: Visit the sensual suite and click on novelties

3. GET TOUCHED: Get and give a massage with an organic body care selection.
Can't afford the spa try one of our fragrant massage oils, we also carry organic human and puppy care shampoos and conditioners. If you're a pet lover, give your pet a good rub down he'll give you lots of love and a good "leaning" which is just as good as a massage.
Our suggestion: Visit the Spa Suite and check out the Organic Puppy care tab

I always feel amazing when I give an appreciated associate a gift. To me gifts express to another that they're valued and that our connection is recognized. Giving is empowering. When we give, we realize that we have something to offer and its valuable. We are valuable, from our time to our treasures.
Our suggestion: Visit Suite Akidah Njuzu and give an Eco Gift for Gratitude

5. FEED THE "SENSORY" NEED: Find YOUR Fragrance.

When I get a hug and my senses take in a new or unique fragrance, I feel alive. Do you?
We're often remembered by our scents and we associate feelings of joy and happiness with scents --from our lover's perfume to organic coffee, that tells us, its time to rise. What emotions do the scents around you invoke? Happiness and Prosperity I hope.
Our suggestion: Experience the Scent Suite and explore our Fragrances

Live well,

Akidah Njuzu

P.S. Visit us soon, we miss you!Align Center

Wednesday, September 2, 2009



* see newsletter for entry promo code**
Every purchase of $50 or more qualifies for a travel basics vegan cosmetics collection.
Eyeshadow, definition pencil, lipstick selections, blush and foundation.

Are you ready to win?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Live Long & Prosper

Live Long & Prosper: The Sustainable & Organic Lifestyle
Is Spock the father of “Green-age thought”? Maybe not but life is and can be better than you’ve ever imagined it to be. All you have to do is believe his mantra, you can, live long & prosper. For some the dream is, having more time and for others it is preserving their health. Whatever your dream, it is obtainable and organic and sustainable living has more to do with it than you know. Why are you waiting for a solution outside of yourself to arrive? All you have to do is – DECIDE to become the solution. You may not transform overnight into a Green Goddess or an Eco Adventurer but as with any courageous goal, this can be accomplished in baby steps, one step and one commitment at a time.

What’s the fuss about? Sustainable living in short, allows us to reuse and recycle materials into repurposed and often times, more efficient goods, which limit the over use of natural resources and the impact that pollution has on our earth. Adhering to an organic eating lifestyle, that includes the use of organic spices, limits our health risk to mood disorders, cancer and a myriad of other wellness inhibitors. Did you know that
“According to a recent study by the Globe and Mail and CTV News, of the nutrient quality of fruit and vegetables, compared to 50 years ago, today’s regular fruit and vegetables contain dramatically less vitamins and minerals7. The average potato has lost 100% of its vitamin A, 57% of its vitamin C and iron, 28% of its calcium, 50% of its riboflavin, and 18% of its thiamin. Out of seven key nutrients studied, only niacin levels increased. Similar results applied to 24 other fruits and vegetables. For broccoli, all seven nutrients fell, including a 63% decrease in calcium and a 34% decrease in iron. No wonder we are gulping down the supplements. In April 2001, however, a US study examined 41 comparisons of the nutrient levels in organic and regular foods. In every case, the organic crops had higher nutrient levels - 27% more vitamin C, 29% more iron, 14% more phosphorus8”.

How can you transition into A GREEN lifestyle today? For more information:

Live long and Prosper was written by Akidah Njuzu. Ms. Njuzu is a vegan vixen and freelance writer/blogger. She resides in Washington DC with her fiancé and two Great Danes, Spock & Sekhmet.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Suite Ta Bu: The Anti-Waste Warrior

From the Conceirge
We just ordered a newbatch of letterhead/envelopes and as we use ONLY recycled paper materials for all of our business needs (from cards to envelopes), we wanted to share the results of one carbon footprint lowering order!

0.33 trees preserved for the future.
0.94 lbs of water-borne waste not created.
138.65 lbs of wastewater flow saved.
15.37 lbs of solid waste not generated.
30.19 lbs of greenhouse gases prevented.
231,200 BTUs of energy not consumed.

What have you done to make life "Suite-er" today?


P.S. Want to join the movement and need a referral, just ask!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Adventures in the Market Place Vol. 1

Eco Adventures in the Market Place Vol. 1: What is Suite Ta Bu
Day: Sunday Blog Time: 9:45 a.m. Eastern

Is it just me or when the alarm goes off, do you sometimes think that whatever song the radio plays, gives you a glimpse of your future? Today’s 5:30 am “Akidah-its-time-to-face-the-day-tune” was Snap’s “I’ve got the power.” Today, I’ll seize the day instead of face it. After all, each day is an eco adventure waiting to occur and it’s time to experience a little more “carpe diem”. At 5:45 I hop out of “St. Posture of the Pedic” and dive into life! A little Yoga Shakti, ( OM shanti Shiva Rea) then a vegan protein shake courtesy of my new friend Blendtec, (BTW: Yes, Blendtec due to the Costco situation you’re still in the friend zone we’re not quite lovers yet). I like being up before most of the free world and the guests of Suite Ta Bu know, that as the leader of their personal eco shopping team, I start each day researching “organic companies”, checking for product updates and scouring the global marketplace for the most luxurious, results driven and useful of green discoveries.

Like many with a global footprint, I was raised on two continents and one of my favorite childhood memories is- the Kenyan marketplace. Watching tribal and international women, haggle over organic goods with a shrewdness usually reserved for boardroom mergers, was the first time I had ever witnessed serious deal making. My love for a good deal and unmatched quality was born during those years. After moving to the States, I realized that all women could use a personal shopper and green lifestyle coach and I created Suite Ta Bu.

The hardest parts of transitioning into a greener lifestyle can be taking the first step, simply finding the time to educate oneself and locating budget conscious quality goods. At Suite Ta Bu we make it our daily business to address both concerns in international offerings. So, after I’ve applied the final touch of war paint to my lips, today’s shade is vegan honey -- I’m ready for battle and ready to explore. Being a modern “marketplace woman” and bringing vegan sexy back to the United States is no easy feat but I’m up for the challenge! Many people confuse Green living with settling for drab style, limited food selection and sacrificing their sexy. Not true, one of a person’s sexiest assets is their smile, so ladies- why not accent yours? I mean that’s the reason I’ve searched for the sultriest of shades, verified ingredients, highlighted the multiple uses of lip stain, shaved and slayed the cosmetic beast and beaten it into vegan submission. I’ve worked hard to get you that last tube of Carrot Karma lip stain.

Our Suite guests, especially our Key Card holders, know that the revolution has begun, is being televised and we all are living it. Green living and organic eating are the means by which each of us can preserve more of the good life. Don’t you want the “Suite” life? In America we’re at war, we’re at war with our self esteem, with fat and with our values and we’re so lost in the drama we fail to realize, a decision is all we need to make in order to live our best life- NOW. When you choose to seek out information and take informed action, you become the GREEN movement and ultimately a part of the solution. I’m a problem solver- are you?

Two of my favorite things about running the Suite are that I’m the “nitty-gritty quality checker” of green vendors and I have time travel benefits. Yes, I get to time travel! Every vegan cosmetic selection the Suite offers aids global eco-fashionista’s in recreating any classic looks of old. What will you choose today, will it be smokey Arabian eyes or the elegance of Egyptian femme fatales? Who doesn’t envision themselves as a goddess, a “self 2.0” that even Beyonce can’t touch? We natural mystics are fierce, but not because of our glamazon stiletto power, I know shocking! But with each click of our “form and fauna” heels, each pursing of our “wine-colored-Lola-Falana-stained” lips we’re persevering a piece of our future because of our lifestyles choices. What did you choose today? Choose life and join the movement, discover all the treasures hidden within the global marketplace and start with Suite Ta Bu!

Thanks for stopping by, it’s grocery day and I’m off to Trader Joe’s . . . . .
Where’s my Key Card and reusable grocery bag?

Akidah Njuzu, The Vegan Vixen

Promotion, Games and Contest Rules

From the Conceirge . . .
Please remember that every winner of any prize, partner promotion, game or quiz that Suite Ta Bu hosts, must be a DIGI Suite (Blog) follower and newsletter subscriber.
It is our deepest desire to ONLY reward our subscribed "guests" of Suite Ta Bu.
We appreciate your patronage.
The conceirge team.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"Suite" Seeds of Wisdom . . .Vol. 1

Global Warming, Green Living and You. . . .

(Suite Seeds of Wisdom Vol. 1)

"Green" a.k.a. sustainable living is the solution to the gobal warming crisis that is facing our Earth. As we pursue our mission to discover the best of eco-lux discoveries to offer to our guests, we've had many inspired conversations and we've deduced that its not just the common "man" that can't define "Green Living" or global warming. That aside, the reality is that in this economy there are mroe practical concerns that thwart a well intended persons greenest efforts. Pocketbook oriented concern issues should actually be another reason to transition into a greener lifestyle today. Living a greener actually saves you money!

Many working families simply can't afford to pay for gas at the pump. We're not yet thinking about investing in some type of “Smarter Greener” car, that transports us from point A to point B -- that's a goal for tomorrow, which judging by the vibrant green marketing campaigns is a stark contrast from the gray skies of --today.

Did you miss the chance to invest in the technology revolution of the 80s and 90s, not living off of Apple dividends--eh?? Well, many of our guests may have missed that chance butthey are not missing the opportunity to invest in a greener lifestyle, now! Their bold choices not only save our planet but also save them money!!!

Take the challenge to embark upon an authentic transition into Green living today. Start with one green action that lowers your carbon footprint and the transition into others. Let this one conscious choice, such as using a stylish reusable bag for groceries, or switching over to soy based candles become the transition point into a more earth friendly lifestyle. Spread the word and plant seeds of wisdom on your own!

How can you save money by going green?

Here are our Suite Seeds of Wisdom but even better are your real life experiecnes which we invite you to share, here is the DIGI suite!

1. Did you know that many US stores issue "green bag" credits to buyers who bring in their own reusable grocery bags and opt not to use plastic or paper? If you bring your own bag you could save up to $31 per year and reduce the 30 billion plastic bags that end up as litter each year worldwide. Cool right?

2.Why join a gym, when you could save $650-1000 each year by using DVDs/Netflix and supporting one of the 700 million acres of public land and recreational spaces within our cities? Remember biking, jogging and power walking are all excellent weight loss and body maintenance programs!

3. Did you know that you’re already a billionaire? Well, not quite but we’d all save 2.6 billion by using creative recycled wrapping paper instead of purchasing the fancy stuff! We’d also save 300000 trees by purchasing recycled cards too!

Be the movement & Live well,


Saturday, May 30, 2009

SEDUCE THEM WITH SPA . . . .special offer

Ends 9.15.09
Rules: Any post that uses the phrase "DIRTY Talk" and within its content sheds new insight on why using organic products and items is the only option!!
Use discount code: DIGI
to receive your complimentary gift.



What's you best Father's day memory that involves on of your children and reminded you of the joys of parenting? E-mail it to and the best one wins a Men's Spa Style prize!

The Rules
This is a family site, so please be mindful of your content. Feel free to posts links.

The Prize
A Spa Style Men's gift-- you'll love it!

The deadline 6.22.09

Friday, May 29, 2009

Twitter Resources

Follow us on Twitter @Suitetabu

YOUR Twitter Resources

FREE TWITTER Backgrounds

Uploading Video to

Using Twitter on your CRACK uhm we mean . .Blackberry

Uploading pictures to Twitter

140 more TWITTER applications . .

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How to post a comment


You have something to say but just don't know how . . .
We appreciate you "following" our blog and have recieved a few questions about how blogger works. If you'd like ot leave a comment click the word "COMMENT" which is found at the bottom of each Blog Post and then we'll have a record of what you wanted to say.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Akidah Njuzu, Owner
Suite Ta Bu & Akidah Njuzu Organics

Monday, May 4, 2009

10 things you can do to be GREENER today!

Today You Should:

1. Use recyclable reusable grocery and cosmetic bags
2. Use personal care products made from recyclable materials
3. Buy organic & eco-friendly items when you can
4. Use less energy by incorporating products such as compact fluorescent lights
5. Turn appliances off when they are not in use. Unplug them!
6. Recycle where ever you can at work & home
7. Buy GREEN office supplies from green outlets like trader Joe’s or Whole Foods
8. Spread the word that Green living is sexy!
9. Turn off the water when you are not using it i.e., while washing dishes or brushing your teeth. 10. Participate and encourage your sphere of influence to participate in Earth Hour and buy GREEN on Earth Day!

Access Granted: The Key Card

Membership does have its privileges!
There is a different life awaiting you behind the organic rope. . . For this year only, any guest who becomes a Key Card member is entitled to their membership benefits for five years.

In 2010 the guest access fee will be a per year charge. Suite Ta Bu's sphere of influence has extended far beyond our imagination and in an effort to share that good energy, with our fellow organic lovers . . . . we’ve created an opportunity to offically acknowledge your kindness. When you join our movement, you've decided to represent eco-friendly style, a conscious choice to lower your carbon footprint and to transition into a greener lifestyle. When you purchase our products we know that you are taking a stand and your future appreciates it! We've noticed your contribution to the earth and we feel it necessary to reward the “leaders of the free world” that have chosen to join us. When you purchase a Suite Ta Bu Key Card for $100 here is how we say thank you: 1. Key card members receive 10% off all purchases from the Akidah Njuzu Organic line of aromatherapy and couture. This discount is applied on top of sale prices when applicable. 2. Free sample products sent to you via mail when we launch a new product because we value your feedback!3. A birthday discount of 40% each year, from the Akidah Njuzu line of aromatherapy and organic coture (in addition to your 10% which equals a 50% discount!!!) . 4. Advance notice and use of sale dates & events

5. 2 complimentary VIP invitiations to “Suite Events”.6. An autographed copy of any poem featured on our tees. 7. Simple but important: a thank you card made from recycled materials.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The 2009 Philanthropic effort is Aspergers Awareness

Autism Diva: How to spot autistic adults

Suite Ta Bu has chosen as its area of community interest for 2009, Asperger's Syndrome/Autisim. Please visit for more information on this cause.


Who are we and what are our corporate beliefs? Each year we select one of our six charitable passions to fund. Asperger's Syndrome corresponds with the following two of our core beliefs:

1. Savoir-Vivre: Live well.
All humans have the right to live well. We support efforts that strengthen the mind and body. Aspies derserve that same respect and rights offered to all. We support life skills training and information access that enhances the quality of life for Aspies and us all.

2. Be Well: Sole to Soul Care: Never Ta Bu
Getting assistance should never be a cause for shame! The spirit and mind need care and it is important to be understood. It is with that in mind, we we have chosen to partner with GRASP and make Michael John Carley's book "Aspergers From the Inside Out" available to any person of color that needs it(this demographic is under served)!

We'd also really appeciate it, if our "GUESTS" supported this cause as well!

Feel free to write a check made out to “GRASP” and mail it to their offices at 666 Broadway, New York, NY 10012; or make a secure PayPal donation by credit card through the below listed web link. GRASP is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.
Make an individual donation here:

2009 SUITE TA BU Initiaitve:

Autism & Asperger's Syndrome Research

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What is Suite Ta Bu?

What an appropo question, with less than a week to our unveiling, the excitement is building. Designers are making sure that the buzz grows and our guests are ready to sample the discoveries! Not a dollar has been spent on marketing and we have over 2000 guests holding their breath as they wait for our first newsletter.

We are truly pleased to share our new stable of artisans, designers and aroma mixologists with you. You have no idea what great discoveries lie ahead . . . we almost want to keep them a secret!

What is Suite Ta Bu:

The Eco-friendly Answer.

We're Eclectic Couture, International Decor, Wellness Accessories & Discoveries... If you seek quality eclectic merchandise, relaxaton accessories and items to accent your life we're the right destination. Our lifestyle client profile includes both men and women who are active citizens, and creative thinkers that conscientiously craft their images and make positive statements through their purchasing power.

Have you visited us at ?
What do you think of the store design? What are you hoping to find within our "suites"?

Share your experiences here . . .

See you at the suite,


P.S. Special thanks to the ladies of UEO, we appreciate your support!
See link: