Global Warming, Green Living and You. . . .
(Suite Seeds of Wisdom Vol. 1)
"Green" a.k.a. sustainable living is the solution to the gobal warming crisis that is facing our Earth. As we pursue our mission to discover the best of eco-lux discoveries to offer to our guests, we've had many inspired conversations and we've deduced that its not just the common "man" that can't define "Green Living" or global warming. That aside, the reality is that in this economy there are mroe practical concerns that thwart a well intended persons greenest efforts. Pocketbook oriented concern issues should actually be another reason to transition into a greener lifestyle today. Living a greener actually saves you money!
Many working families simply can't afford to pay for gas at the pump. We're not yet thinking about investing in some type of “Smarter Greener” car, that transports us from point A to point B -- that's a goal for tomorrow, which judging by the vibrant green marketing campaigns is a stark contrast from the gray skies of --today.
Did you miss the chance to invest in the technology revolution of the 80s and 90s, not living off of Apple dividends--eh?? Well, many of our guests may have missed that chance butthey are not missing the opportunity to invest in a greener lifestyle, now! Their bold choices not only save our planet but also save them money!!!
Take the challenge to embark upon an authentic transition into Green living today. Start with one green action that lowers your carbon footprint and the transition into others. Let this one conscious choice, such as using a stylish reusable bag for groceries, or switching over to soy based candles become the transition point into a more earth friendly lifestyle. Spread the word and plant seeds of wisdom on your own!
How can you save money by going green?
Here are our Suite Seeds of Wisdom but even better are your real life experiecnes which we invite you to share, here is the DIGI suite!
1. Did you know that many US stores issue "green bag" credits to buyers who bring in their own reusable grocery bags and opt not to use plastic or paper? If you bring your own bag you could save up to $31 per year and reduce the 30 billion plastic bags that end up as litter each year worldwide. Cool right?
2.Why join a gym, when you could save $650-1000 each year by using DVDs/Netflix and supporting one of the 700 million acres of public land and recreational spaces within our cities? Remember biking, jogging and power walking are all excellent weight loss and body maintenance programs!
3. Did you know that you’re already a billionaire? Well, not quite but we’d all save 2.6 billion by using creative recycled wrapping paper instead of purchasing the fancy stuff! We’d also save 300000 trees by purchasing recycled cards too!
Be the movement & Live well,
I totally agree with using what nature has given us in terms of staying in shape. That is how Going Green can make you look Really Good!
ReplyDeleteHey there Taryn, thanks for the post! We often look to "things/gyms/pills/products" but we already have a vast array of natural options when it comes to fitness!- as you well know :-)
THE DIGI SUITE! It's always on time, I just got a newsletter from my HMO telling me that I should..."TREAT MY BODY LIKE A TEMPLE" by using all organic products on my hair and body to live longer and lower my health care costs. Can you believe that? They then go on to say how the extra pennies we spend now using organic products and eating organic foods will save us "THOUSANDS" in the future as we avoid costly medical procedures and perscriptions in the future. They got their eyes on the bottom line. BTW, I got those sponges and body scrub you recommended, I've been getting all kinds of compliments about the fragrance and my smooth skin :-) Got give you props TA BU, you know your stuff. Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteGreat feedback we always like, real feedback from our guests! Keep coming back for more!
Great article. Just came back from the Ohio Flower Association trade show in Columbus. Although horticulture is not green as we would like, there are some real innovators that are moving the market and trying to bring greener nursery plants to market that basically landscape most homes. When the horticultures jump on, then it will really fly! They are the land stewards. Exciting things! Will keep you posted! Thanks for the great updates!!!
ReplyDeleteWow I am so amazed by this site. You are really changing the community in such a positive way. Starting with your product line, your information and insight on how things we can benefit from, and the charitable activites that you take part in. I am really looking forward purchasing some of your products - seasonal, gifts, and even some for myself. Great site!
ReplyDeleteWould love ot have you on as a guest blogger! After reading the Book Skinng Bi&*ch, I am more educated on the wholistic impact that soil, seeds, produce have on an Organic diet- the things hidden in regular spices . . . my my my